I’ve been frequenting BC Children’s Hospital a lot in the last year or two, as we take care of our baby boy and I am always amazed on how well children and their families are treated throughout the hospital. I’m also amazed how many families can keep it together and relocate, even temporarily so that their child can get the best care in the province and stay close to them. Ronald McDonald House is a warm and welcoming environment for families from across the province who’s children are in the hospital for a handful of reasons.

Home for Dinner was launched last year with the goal of providing the community a way to give back. The program raised over $107,000 which will help families share meals and moments with their children while they are at the hospital receiving lifesaving treatments.

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Residents are encouraged to participate this year either eating in (preparing a meal at home for family and friends) or eating out by hosting a restaurant meal with guests repaying hosts by donating their share to the Ronald McDonald House BC & Yukon.

To participate:

1) Sign up to host an event by creating a personalized fundraising page.

2) Find resources on the website to plan a successful event

3) Plan your feast – invite friends and family to participate as guests or co-hosts.

The Ronald McDonald House BC & Yukon is a 73-bedroom, 74,000 square foot property on the grounds of BC Children’s hospital – the house offers suites and services for kids of all ages that include a fitness area, arts and crafts studio, LEGO lounge, magic room and other fun things.

For more information, you can check out rmhbc.ca