Starting a food blog can be a difficult process, but once you’ve jumped through a couple of the hoops, you’ll get it going in no time! I created this quick guide after several people have asked me how to start a food blog – follow these steps and get to blogging!
Name it.
One of the most fun but difficult parts in starting a food blog is to find a great name for your blog. Depending on your goals, you can go anywhere from crazy to super professional. My suggestion? Something easy to spell and easy to remember.
Host It.
Host your blog somewhere that is reliable and within your price range. I’m a sucker for cheap deals – especially on the interwebs.
A great place to host is Bluehost – they offer free domain name with hosting purchase.
To get started, check out if your name is available here:
Set it Up.
Setting up your blog shouldn’t be hard work. Once you’ve purchased your hosting and domain, follow these steps to get your blog ready to go:
From your hosting panel, select “Install WordPress”.
Hit the “Install” Button on the Next Screen.
Once it’s finished installing, it will give you the Admin URL, Username and Password. Click on the Admin URL to login to your site (don’t forget to copy the Username and Password to login!).
Onward, Food Blogger.
Well hello there, food blogger. You are ready to embark on your journey of succulent eats that you’re going to share with the world.
Looking for more website help? Check out my other articles:
Tips on Hosting, Domains and Platforms