Montreal Gastroforkie Mini-Adventure: Part Trois

While planning for places to see and restaurants to dine in on this trip, I realized that I had to satisfy my sweet tooth as well. In my search I found a place called Point G, which is supposed to be amazing according to many online reviews. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to go there. But fortunately, we stumbled upon this place:

Facade - Les Glaceurs A charming little cupcake shop right beside the Notre Dame Basilica, Les Glaceurs prepares these fresh treats every day. Although they are a cupcake shop, they sell macarons and cake pops as well.
Interior 1 - Les GlaceursInterior 1 - Les GlaceursInterior 2 - Les Glaceurs

If any of you Gastroforkies are cursed/blessed have a sweet tooth like me, you know the hardest part about being in a dessert shop is picking which flavour of which treat you’re going home with. It helps that you know which flavours you tend to gravitate towards, but it doesn’t help that they have a selection like this:
Cupcakes 1 - Les GlaceursCupcakes 2 - Les GlaceursCake pops - Les GlaceursMacarons 1 - Les Glaceurs

But alas, we had to choose. We ended up getting:

• Vanille-citron (Vanilla Lemon)
• Vanille-sucre à la crème (Vanilla Fudge)
• Vanille fondant au caramel sale (Salted Caramel Vanilla Fudge)
• Choco-menthe (Mint Chocolate)
• Coco-lime (Coconut Lime)
• As well as some of their Macarons

My Cupcakes - Les GlaceursMini cupcakes - Les Glaceurs
Check out our cupcakes! Aren’t they so pretty? My mom decided she wanted mini-cupcakes instead of my big cupcakes. That’s her box ☺

This is the point where being a social media enthusiast helps. After checking in, I unlocked a Foursquare Special. Yay freebies!
Foursquare special - Les GlaceursI went back and got the Saveur du mois de mars: Gâteau au fromage which is the March FOTM, blueberry cheesecake. Merci Foursquare!
Fondant au caramel salÇ 1 - Les Glaceurs The first cupcake I got to try was the Salted Caramel Vanilla Fudge. The buttercream icing was rich and the tiny sugar dots added a great crunch to each bite. The cupcake was definitely moist, and I am an absolute fan of the surprise found in the middle of the cupcake.
Half Fondant au caramel salÇ - Les Glaceurs More gooey salted caramel! I have a feeling it may be too sweet for some people, but to me, this had the right amount of sweetness. Delicious! Considering this was the only cupcake that had a nice surprise in the middle, I was quite fond of this cupcake. We’re off to a great start!
Vanille-citron - Les Glaceurs Although I didn’t quite fancy this as the Salted Caramel cupcake, this was still pretty delicious. I love the combination of sweet with a hint of tart.
Vanille-sucre Ö la cräme - Les Glaceurs For some reason, I was expecting this to be super sweet because of the way it’s presented. I was happy to find out that it wasn’t actually as sweet as I thought it would be. The cake was nice and moist and the cupcake’s presentation makes it stand out.
Coco-lime - Les GlaceursOne of my favourites; it didn’t have a whole lot of icing (which many of the other cupcakes did) so I quite appreciated that. The coconut flavour was the highlight, with the lime being a nice subtle complement to the overall flavour. As with the rest of the cupcakes, the cupcakes were moist.
GÉteau au fromage aux bleuets 1 - Les GlaceursGÉteau au fromage aux bleuets 2 - Les Glaceurs Last but not least, the blueberry cheesecake cupcake. I found this a little too indulgent for my taste buds. Don’t get me wrong, I love indulgent food. The combination of flavours and textures were sublime. Hoewever I found that if I took 2 bites, I would have the put the rest away and save it for later. In a situation where I am faced with multiple delicious cupcakes, I prefer to eat the entire cupcake rather than save it for later. The cupcake was also a bit syrupy due to the coulis. Although I wasn’t a fan of it being syrupy, I like that they tried to have it resemble as close to an actual blueberry cheesecake as possible.
Choco-menthe - Les Glaceurs
This looks divine. Damn you chocolate allergy…
And now onto what I was looking forward to: these heavenly treats.
Macarons 2 - Les Glaceurs
These little gems didn’t come in a lot of flavours; the ones we scooped up included:

• Pistachio
• Raspberry
• Vanilla
• Coffee
• Chocolate

Out of all the flavours, my favourite was the Pistachio. The cookie crust was light and cracked easy. It had a nice thickness which was perfect. There was a generous amount of filling, although not overwhelming. I thought it was quite well made so I was happy about that.
Although I wasn’t able to go to where I wanted to go, I was quite satisfied where I ended up. In fact I liked it so much, I visited this location twice during my short stay. If you have the chance, I recommend Les Glaceurs.
Visit their website.

Food: mini4andahalfforks
Value: mini4forks
Service: mini4forks
Ambiance: mini4forks
Overall: 4forks

Les Glaceurs on Urbanspoon

Things To Do on raveable