Philz Coffee is a popular coffee company that started out in San Francisco, but is slowly gaining notoriety within other parts of California.

It’s original location is in the Mission District, not too far from where we were staying. Phil Jaber, the owner of Philz Coffee decided to transform his grocery store into a full fledged cafe and began to perfect his brewing methods.


When you walk into Philz Coffee, you’re going to feel a tad bit overwhelmed. I know I did! It’s because they have so many different blends to choose from. Every single cup of coffee is hand crafted right in front of your eyes. While they stray away from the lattes and cappuccinos, they’re more than happy to create something similar. You also have options (what type of roast and if you like cream and sugar).

I went with Philtered Soul which is a medium dark roast coffee that has chocolate overtones and some traces of hazelnut in it. The coffee is definitely nothing short of amazing, the blend is slightly sweet and nutty and leaves no bitter taste.

Being a San Francisco institution, you must go for the experience.

Food/Drink: mini4andahalfforks

Service : mini4forks

Value: mini4forks

Ambiance: mini3andahalfforks

OVERALL: 4forks

Visit their website here.



Philz Coffee on Urbanspoon

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