Taste Nirvana Real Coconut Water is available at Whole Foods Market, my sister and I were just strolling around when one of the people who work there asked us to try it. He said it was really good, very popular and – on sale! When we were there it was 2 for $6 and he said if you buy a case (of 6) you get 10% off.

He went to get some glasses for us to try and we sampled it and guess what? I ended up buying a box.

I know a lot of people either hate coconut water or love it and for you haters – this is probably the coconut water you want. It doesn’t have that ‘metallic’ taste as most young coconut waters seem to have. It’s actually quite enjoyable, a little more sweet than most but just as nutritious. At only $3 for a big bottle, it’s definitely worth a try! If you aren’t close to a Whole Foods, Amazon also sells Taste Nirvana Real Coconut Water.