Today I decided to have some pad thai fromThai Express. I’ve had their pad thai before and I actually like it here. The last time I had it I made the mistake of ordering spicy which turned out to be too spicy for me to enjoy.
This time I went for medium and with chicken. It’s only another $2 to add a drink (which I need to combat the spice) and a spring roll. Why not?
The spring roll is pretty standard, most likely frozen and bought-but pretty big for food court sized spring rolls.
I love the fact they pack it in these old school cardboard and metal boxes. More places need to do this.
My pad thai which was packed to go could’ve literally fed two people perfectly. It was delicious and had a bit of bean sprouts, tofu and a rogue broccoli piece. For the most part, the reason I enjoy this dish here is because of the heat and also because I like my pad thai made with tamarind as opposed to ketchup. My only suggestion is to add more vegetables to this dish to be more heartier!
$11 meal that could’ve potentially fed two? Not bad at all.
I wish there were more vegetables in the dish.
Ambiance: n/a