The Ooleaf Tea Lounge recently opened at Aberdeen – you’ll find it after you come off the CanadaLine station on the ground floor. They have opening specials where some of their drinks are half off.

ooleaf tea lounge

ooleaf tea lounge
Photo by: Nathalie Green

The particular day we visited the Milk Tea was on special. The Black Milk Tea has a nice flavour to it, the tea taste is more noticeable (which I love) and the tapioca were nice and springy.

ooleaf tea lounge
Photo by: Nathalie Green

My eye caught a particular flavour on their menu: Bitter melon Pineapple Fruit Tea, and so out of pure curiousity, I ordered it as well. I gave it a good mix and the first couple sips you really get the strong flavour of bitter melon. The pineapple is sweet enough to chase it down but also has that tangy after taste that bitter melon kind of has as well. Definitely not my cup of tea, but when I brought the rest home to my dad, he seemed to enjoy it a lot. That being said, I’m not a huge fan of bitter melon in dishes and he loves it.

ooleaf tea lounge
Photo by: Nathalie Green

Their prices are a bit on the high side ($6.50-8 for drinks) for bubble tea, but there are other interesting flavours here that I’d want to try if I were to come back anyway!

Food/Drink: 3.5

Service: 3.5

Value: 3

Ambiance: 4.5