The 2013 Wellness Show ran through this weekend with many exhibitors and demonstrators on every topic from yoga, meditation to my favourite topic – food. I was really impressed with how many food exhibitors were at the show and also the cooking demonstrations held during the event.


Liberte was first up, they were giving out free samples. I tried the caramel and it was a nice, slightly sweet flavour. I have always been a fan of Liberte (my favourite is their Mocha flavour), so if you haven’t tried them out, you should!


The first stand that really struck out at me was Arayuma. They offer Fairtrade Organic Spices in these beautiful banana leaf boxes. These boxes are hand crafted by marginalized rural women in Sri Lanka.

They also offer premium Organic Coconut Milk which is North America’s first and only coconut milk to be Fairtrade Certified.

You can find Arayuma products at most healthy markets, for more information check out their website here.


I also made a pit stop at the Daiya booth, where they were serving pizza. They have put together a gluten free pizza crust with dairy/soy and cholesterol free ‘shreds’. It’s pretty tasty for something that isn’t cheese!


The next booth I stopped at was Giddy YoYo. Giddy YoYo specializes in super foods, offering the highest quality of nutrient dense foods available ranging from goji berries, maca, nori, chia to chocolate bars.

One thing I learned from them is Maca. It is a superfood that helps balance hormone levels in both women and men.

I went straight for their chocolate which grows in Ecuador atop from the mountainous regions and brought down by donkey! Their chocolates are 100% raw from start to finish and has an intense raw chocolate flavour.

They have interesting flavours including Ginger, Maca, Spicy and Banana Nutmeg (which I managed to pick up).

For more info, check them out on their website here.


Nature’s Path was also at the show, I was sharing my undying love of their Love Crunch with the girls at the booth. Thanks for the photo op!



Up next, Hippie Snacks. I know I’m behind with the times, but their Coconut Chips are delicious. They are simple, slightly sweet and crunchy. Absolutely a game changer. I came back before I left to purchase a bag for home!


The next booth over was Rise Kombucha. Kombucha is definitely becoming very popular in the food scene, isn’t it? This fizzy drink boasts different flavours including Ginger, Lemongrass, Hibiscus Rose Hips, Rose Schizandra and BlueBerry Maple. I got to try the Lemongrass and Rose and I loved them both very much, they are fantastic. Apparently they are expanding into Western Canada (they originate from Montreal), so be sure to look out for them real soon.

For more info, check them out on their website here.


One other exhibitor that was delicious was Monkey Toast. This is more than just cute packaging – their crackers are a great alternative to your typical ones. With fruit as the main ingredient in all their toasts, you definitely get the taste of it instead of the typical bland tastes of most crackers out there. I got to try their Banana Blueberry crisps which were so delicious, it definitely felt like I was indulging in a cookie but really, it was a healthy cracker!

Check out their website here.


TeaJa had a booth at the Wellness Show, they offer teas that help balance your wellbeing that are 100% organic. What I loved about their booth is the ability to smell all their teas, a lot of them had a great, vibrant smell to them. I have a little sample of their Double Cream Earl Grey that I’m looking forward in trying very soon!

They have a location in Yaletown where you can purchase their teas. For more info check out their website here.


Finally, Sunbites is non-GMO corn on the cob that is vacuum-sealed for consumption year round. It is sweet and can be prepared in the microwave, in boiling water or on the barbecue. This Canadian product originates from Quebec, which happens to be corn country (I had no idea!). I’ve heard some discussion back and forth about how it’s difficult to find truly non-GMO corn, but this might be the change we’re looking for.

For more info, check out their website here.

I learned a great deal today about different processes and products that I never knew existed, but will definitely support in the future.

Please note I was invited to the Wellness Show, but all opinions are my own.

For more information on the Wellness Show, visit their website here.