Lidl and Sachertorte

Selma left Germany before me. I came early so I couldn’t get into my hostel, the Frankfurt Hostel til they cleaned the room. I saw they had a pasta party. I was very low on money, so I signed up.

I looked around for a supermarket. I got hooted and leered at by old men, I didn’t know my hostel is in the red light district. I kept walking and made it to the shopping centre. I found a Lidl and got my cheap cheese and meat. I also got some jam, some mustard and curry mango sauce for my parents.

I was super bored coming back. I watched German tv and ate my Hariboo gummy bears. I decided with what little money I had to get some cake and write for the rest of the afternoon.


I walked back to the shopping centre and got Sachertorte. I remember watching the animated film, Persepolis and Marjane’s father tells her she should eat that in Germany. Selma also told me the story of Hotel Sacher, which at the time, made this fantastic chocolate cake with a layer of apricot and hazelnut. It became a Viennese cuisine legacy. Many people will try to replicate the recipe, but the best version of it is in Hotel Sacher, it’s modified recipe kept a secret.

I sat in the common room and ate my big piece of cake while writing. A young man named Sebastian came and asked me if it was good. I said yes. I didn’t eat it all because I was waiting for pasta, so he was confused if it was bad or not. He also told me there was a Nintendo in Frankfurt that I could visit if I felt bored.

The pasta was very plain. I was very hungry and had only 4 euros left, so I was thankful to have it. I’d have free breakfast the next morning. I went upstairs to watch tv, eat Ritter and gummy bears which I had left over from our adventures.

Last Oktoberfest Run and Last Kuchen

I woke up, wondering to buy with the 4 euro I had left. I wanted some Frankziskaner beer from the hostel. I decided to watch German Saturday morning cartoons after I was done eating my free breakfast.

I had toast, one with Nutella and the other with ham, cheese and cucumber. I had more muesli in memory of Selma, who loves it. I sipped slowly on my coffee. I wanted to try their tea, but they were closing up. I quickly took a bag of schwartzer tea and slipped it in my pocket.

I began watching a cartoon about a mermaid who has a big, manly shark who protects her from a hyena who tries to eat her. I began to eat my gummy bears, packing away my pepper cheese and salami sandwich in my bag, ready to be a poor person today. Somewhere in between hyena laughs and shark grunts, I found out more money had come to my account! I promptly turned off the TV and head to Frankfurt’s shopping district.

That was bad. There were 3 H&Ms, all were busy. I wanted to try one shirt, but the lineup at this one was long. I wanted to just slip this big sweater infront of a mirror but a saleslady came over and looked me up and down as if I was stealing. She told me to go to change room. It took forever in the lineup, I just put the thing on anyway while I was waiting. I tried another H&M, which had no judgy salespeople, but a change room free for all where girls just walked in for themselves, and often just budged in line. It was very aggravating. Women on a rainy Saturday just like forget all their manners and become piranhas. I decided just to go later and shop at the Galleria and other boutiques for now.


I noticed they had a mini Oktoberfest, that resembled more of a farmer’s market compared to Munich’s insanity.  I bought some rosehip Jam from a lovely couple. Selma and I got into a conversation about rosehip jam. It’s hard to find – I got mine from Edmonton’s Farmers Market, she got hers from a convenience store in Burnaby.

this little girl stared over at me while eating her bratwurst. creeper photo!

I got myself some bratwurst, just as I knew I still had my sandwich in tow. The warm sausage in a hearty, soft but crunchy on the outside bun… It cheered me up alone in this rainy weather. I tried some apple wine, which tasted like piss. It’s probably who I bought it from, but I winced trying to finish it. It had this bitter, earthy PISS taste that just stayed in your mouth! It certainly didn’t help that it was lukewarm. I ditched half the glass, a German called after me that I am throwing away the good part. Don’t care. It was nasty.


I passed by the bakery I mentioned earlier where I got my Sachertorte. They are Weidenweber. They are so delicious, I think the woman recognized me from yesterday. I got a carrot cake instead. I shopped a little more. The lady wrapped it so well, that the cake survived me shopping. I went back to my hostel, made the tea I had picked up earlier, took out my sandwich and planted my cake on a plate. It wasn’t sweet again, almost like eating carrot bread but it was still moist. The chocolate ontop is what made it sweeter. It was so wonderful, it had almonds decorated on the back. I will miss cake so much here.


I hung out at my hostel. I ate some more free pasta, but put my leftover cheese and salami in it. I ordered the Frankziskaner beer me and Selma like. I wanted pancake soup, but they had vegetable today. I got Altenmunster Brauer Bier. It is from Bavaria, but it’s kinda disappointing. It’s light and crisp, and I could down lots to get drunk, but otherwise plain. I’ve been told by a few people, traditional beer can be plain and boring as people just used to drink this instead of water back in the day. I don’t know, it’s just that compared to the other fine beers of Germany I had, Altenmunster was unremarkable to me.

Airport Time: Ramen, Pretzels, Donut

After checking in, I ate at MoschMosch in the airport. I had ramen with enoki, spinach, carrots and baked salmon. I had my last wheat beer -a Krombacher- as well in Germany. I paid all together 17 euro – the equivalent of $25 or so, which was kinda pricey. The ramen was very good, not too salty and I was super full by the end of it. The baked salmon is just how I like it, too. Crispy on the outside, soft in the inside. I bought a pretzel from their to go menu for the plane. I bought some more Hariboo gummies and Ritter Sport from the duty free.

I went to the Starbucks next door and got a chocolate filled donut, a double-shot for the flight, some hot water and some mineral water. I downed my mineral water, made tea out of the hot water and was set. Unfortunately, the double-shot was still too big for the security check so I downed that too. The security guard laughed as I chugged it, going slow down, its cold, you have time, stoooppp! Haha. I walked in, sad to leave great German food behind me. Thank you, Germany!

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