But the one and only reason I’m here to report to you about Happy Date is their Pineapple bun sandwiches. Yep – you read right, Pineapple bun sandwiches. If you’re a fan of the crispy, crusty tops and sweet bread bottomed breads but want to switch it up – you must go here. My husband Brian often enjoys Pineapple buns sliced in half with an alarming slice of butter in between – but I’ve always been a sucker for mixing sweet with savoury. There are several types you can choose from, today we chose a simple one – porkchop. From the get go, Happy Date’s pineapple buns are slightly larger than most, so you get pretty good value out of it. The sandwich is simple – just a porkchop with some lettuce, but simplicity wins in this case. Could I do this home? Sure I could. But it’s always great to experiment in a restaurant first before trying your hand at it.