
I’d like to thank you for your continued support this year and always. I always feel like I’m the only person reading the blog but when I get feedback or comments or even see the analytics, it still blows me away to see there are so many of you landing on this page and learning a little more about my hometown Vancouver and it’s wonderful eats and vibrant community. Every time I get the opportunity to go to events or try new things, I always remember that it was entirely my readers who got me to this place and I am so thankful and humbled. I want to give back to you this year a lot more if I can, it’s nowhere near a complete thank you for your support, but it’s a start!

I encourage you to take a look at other fellow food blogs here and around the world too as I feel that we all offer something a little different!

So whats new with Gastrofork in 2014?
I’ve refreshed our site a little bit with a cleaner logo, a fun background and some changes to our About, Catering and Contact pages.

We have a lot of ideas for the upcoming year with a lot of emphasis on videos, lessons and more reviews! I’m also working on something slightly related to Gastrofork that will be launching in the new year as well. We’ve expanded the Gastrofork contributors a lot this year too (even into the reaches of the East Coast!) and I would love to see more contributors on the site in the future!

Thank you again, Happy Holidays and we’ll see you in 2014!
