I went with my friend, Sitji. We had the Cherry Bon Bon. This hot chocolate is comprised of Cacao Barry Extra Brute Cocoa and sour cherries, topped with house-made sour cherry marshmallows, and served with a pecan fruit crisp. The sour cherry marshmallow was the best part. I just plopped it in my spoon and down the marshmallow. It was not too sticky, nor was it overly sweet – it sort of just dissolved on the tip of your tongue, but if you took a big bite, you’d hardly have to chew the rest down. The cherry cocoa was smooth, a perfect concoction of foam and milk fused together in a velvety, fleetingly sweet experience. The only thing I didn’t care for was the crisp that came with this drink. I felt the pecan fruit crisp was a bit of a random add-on.
Sitji and I were talking about the Dark Knight Rises, when a bulldog with a mean underbite crawled under the fence outside where we were sitting. He sat with us as we drank our cocoa as we played with him. Five minutes in, he started barking. There was this decrescendo to his bark that meant he was suffering separation anxiety from his master. Aftering awwing, Sitji exclaimed, “I want a dog-” and was cut out by a loud bark and whine, with the bulldog crawling back under the fence to look around listlessly for his owner.