If my chocolate dinner at Leonidas isn’t a perfect representation of that I’d like to see you come up with something better.
We were greeted at the door with two types of hot chocolate, “Boho Secret” on the right and “Tiger Milk” on the left. The Boho Secret was rich dark chocolate brown with only a mild tint of sweetness while the Tiger Milk was white and sugary. I asked my companion for the night what he thought Tiger Milk was made of and his response was, “Liane… read the label, obviously it’s Tiger’s Milk.” So there you go.
The store (located near Canada Place) is cozy so right from the beginning it was packed!
If you haven’t read Dee’s post on Leonidas a while back, here’s some brief info: Leonidas has been making chocolate for around 100 years and is considered the best selling chocolate in Belgium. The chocolate at the Leonidas in this location are imported from Belgium around every 10 days to ensure quality and freshness. They are made from 100% cocoa butter so you know they are the real deal!
First chocolate of the night (and my hand modelling career debut) is a white chocolate with a hazelnut centre and caramelized nuts. My friend found this his favourite because of the duo flavour and crunchy texture. We tried it with wine and latte (pictures later) and found it paired nicely with all of them.
Second sample is orange peel dipped in dark chocolate. I’m not usually a fan of orange flavoured chocolates, just a personal preference, but I was pleasantly surprised by this! The orange had a strong aroma and the chocolate was perfectly sweet. It was a refreshing change for my palette.
Third sample was a chocolate ball covered in coconut flakes with a gooey coconut centre. The coconut taste is actually very subtle but it is a bit on the sweet side for those of you who prefer your darker chocolates.
Last one of the night and probably my favourite, a sugar-free chocolate! I’d hate to compare in case they feel offended, but this one tasted a lot like a hedgehog. Considering how much I love those though I consider it a huge compliment! 🙂
Saving the best for last my drinks for tonight. Between my friend and I we shared a glass of red and white wine and a latte. Then we each had a dark chocolate because what the heck. It is made with only 52% Belgium chocolate and milk so it was super rich, creamy, smooth, sweet and just all kinds of indulgence and warm and fuzzy feelings in my tummy. We both agreed this was the highlight of the evening.
If you’re ever near Canada Place and looking to satisfy your sweet tooth please swing by, hopefully this doesn’t turn you into a chocolate snob!