
The Sacred Cocoa Ceremony at O5 Tea Bar took me by surprise. It was a mixture of meditation and drinking in cocoa to open the heart. I was feeling a bit beat but the meditation rejuvenated me. It was my birthday, so I had been busy hustling around. Unwinding was probably the best thing for me and the straight up cocoa we drank was amazing.

We had to write down our intentions as we meditated in between drinking the cocoa. Janice also told us thoughts to help us in our daily lives. I loved her metaphor, that the paths in the mind are like tall grass in a jungle. If you cut the grass, it will rapidly grow back. But if you cut the grass consistently over time, the path will stay open. These phrases are those that help clear those paths.


Rominda also blessed us towards the end of the class. She came over and held her hands over our heads, as we either closed our eyes or had downcast eyes. It was wonderful. All my thoughts sort of disappeared and I felt good.

IMG_9618 The cocoa itself did not have anything sweetening it or milk. You were able to taste the bittersweet cocoa in its pure form. We drank it after meditation, all together, accepting each serving as a way to open our hearts. Much later on, we were given the option to put in coconut milk, honey or cardamom. By the end of the class I felt so relaxed and confident. Janice taught us about forgiveness and about the self. I was really surprised. I’m used to a more historical approach to tea and culture at O5. It’s fantastic Janice runs a slower, more introspective class. I’d recommend this for anyone who needs time away from our busy city.