[Editor’s Disclosure: Natera sent us complimentary samples to try.]

Hi all, today I made pancakes with Natera’s Maple Hemp Seeds. It’s really easy – mix up any pancake recipe you have and add the seeds, and just add maybe a 1/4 cup of milk/almond milk/hemp milk.


I am trying to shape up and eat healthier for 2014. Today is squat and stairs day. This is quite possibly the worst day, cause stairs makes my legs wobble for the rest of the week. These pancakes were a lot like bread, and were not as sweet as I suspected with the maple seeds. I didn’t have to put butter or syrup though, it had just a tinge of sweetness. I still feel full now, so I’m off to do my work out!

I seriously fear a lot of diseases. I think as you hit your mid twenties…it’s still early to be considering these things, but you wonder what your next phase of life will be like and if health will be a big issue. I am currently worried because I have certain vices, like alcohol and salty food are things I absolutely love. So I challenge myself for a least a month to eat a tad bit healthier!