During the pandemic, I couldn’t use the gym on its onset. While some people purchased items for a home gym, I developed an at home routine having a Nintendo Switch which didn’t require any extra space. Here is my review of each video game I used to stay fit. I feel a lot healthier and more energetic, despite not having rapid weight loss. (If I wasn’t stressing over the pandemic, I think I might have lost more weight.)

PSA: You can buy Ring Fit Adventure for your Switch again - CNETImage from CNET
Ring Fit Adventure

This was probably the best game purchase I’ve made in a while. This game is a platformer game where you have to purchase an electronic resistance ring with the game (it comes in a bundle). Using the ring and a leg strap, you run on spot to traverse the game and use the ring to move through levels and fight monsters doing aerobic exercise and reps. I absolutely hate butterfly kicks and mountain climbers, and yet I was doing them because having to defeat a monster and its urgency makes the laborious task of some exercises insanely fun. There are a bunch of different types of attack moves: abs, legs, arms, yoga and healing, so the combination of them per play round does not make the game repetitive. I have to thank the abs and yoga for increasing my overall flexibility and decreasing my ricketyness during the pandemic.

Jump Rope Challenge for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Game Details

Jump Rope Challenge

This is a free download on the switch and its worth it. I have a physical skip rope but didn’t want to go outside in the parking lot to skip. I couldn’t do it inside because I don’t have a lot of space and would probably knock something over. This game was a good solution. Though you probably aren’t that accurate at mimicking all the motions at first, you will be able to in time as if you’re actually skipping. I do this as a warm up prior to Ring Fit Adventure along with yoga.

Day 3 - Forget What You Know - 30 Days of Yoga - YouTube

30 Days of Yoga with Adriene (free)

This isn’t a video game but it is free and on YouTube. I never seemed to finish this program in a row prior to the pandemic. I love Adriene because she’s so relaxing to listen to and she’s super funny from time to time. Sometimes I don’t follow completely along with her depending on my energy levels and do my own thing, but having her in the background is calming.

Buy Just Dance Unlimited - 12 months pass - Microsoft Store en-CA

Just Dance

I didn’t put a year because I have every single one of them. I’m not a big fan of 2020 and not sure if I’ll get this year’s edition, simply because I get most of the tracks I like using their unlimited subscription. I don’t subscribe for all year, perhaps a month on and off. But this is really fun for when I want to work out for an hour and not feel like it is work and sing along to songs. It is also a family game, so if you have children, there’s a host of children friendly content.

YouTube Dance Party!

On the months I didn’t subscribe to Just Dance Unlimited, I would just throw on YouTube videos to dance to for an hour much to my pet ratties dismay.