On the quest to be super prepared for the big day (which, if you were wondering is in less than a week from now!), I have come across SO many articles and Pinterest posts of what needs to be packed into your hospital bag.

There are some that are comprehensive – it seems like the whole glam team is being packed. But what about specifically for people giving birth here in Vancouver, at BC Women’s Hospital?

I will be staying longer than most, as I will be induced and then will have to recover afterwards. In my case, I don’t live very far from the hospital, so it’s easy enough for Brian to bounce back and forth if I need anything from home.

Although I haven’t gone to the hospital yet, I wanted to share my items that are essential for my stay and childbirth process at BC Women’s Hospital. Thankfully, the hospital is well stocked with items that I was wondering about (pads, asian pear underwear, breast pumps, diapers for baby) – so you don’t have to worry about those.

I’m sure you’ll need different items should you require a c-section, but I’m going to share what I’ve already packed in my bag for the hospital, hopefully only going in for a natural birth that’s induced.

PS, all the links here are not sponsored and I don’t get a cut from them, just a couple faves I wanted to share with you!

hospital bag essentials water bottle

1. Large water bottle
I drink a lot of water and bless the hospital, but they have small cups of water that I could crush in one gulp. I’m bringing my own 32 oz water bottle so that Brian won’t have to keep running back and forth to get me more.

2. Snacks
I’m bringing granola bars, dried fruits and nuts for the times I can eat (if there any times), for Brian if he gets hungry and just for middle of the night hunger pangs.

hospital essentials robe

3. Robe
I’m not sure if you’re familiar with hospital gowns, but they’re not exactly the most luxurious. They also have too high a possibility for exposing yourself in all the wrong ways, so to add a robe to the top of it after you’ve given birth provides a more comfortable experience.

4. Comfortable shoes
This can be slippers, flip flops or runners. I’m packing these mostly because if I can walk during my labour, I will – and for afterwards when I go to visit baby.

5. Loose/stretchy clothing
You’ll need this for afterwards if you’re staying over night and when you’re leaving the hospital. Mostly, I’ll probably be in their hospital gown but it’ll be nice to have something that’s loose and comfortable for when I leave.

6. Nursing bra
If you’re going to be breastfeeding, you’ll want one of these.

7. Nursing pads
You’ll definitely need these, especially if you don’t know how much you’ll be leaking right after birth.

8. Socks
The hospital can get cold – bring cheap socks that you can throw away, should you have any birth juice spill on them.

9. Makeup
This is optional, but some people want to take professional photos when they’re at the hospital and after 14-28 hours in labour, some mamas can look so damn amazing – I am not one of those golden goddesses, I will look a hot mess and will definitely need some concealer.

10. Phone + Charger
This is a given, mostly to keep in contact with my family and with Brian should we be separated.

11. Toiletries
Having a toothbrush, toothpaste, lotion, deodorant, chapstick and even shampoo (if you’re feeling up to showering after birth) will help you feel more of a human after giving birth.

For Baby:

1. Sleep wear
If you have to stay overnight, this is great for the baby. Since it’ll be summer by the time my baby makes an appearance, it’ll mean baby sleep suit is more of a kimono top and some lighter pants.

2. Receiving/Baby blanket
Definitely want to bring this in colder months, receiving blankets can be thinner than baby blankets which is good for the summer.

hospital bag essentials muslin cloth

3. Muslin cloths
These multipurpose cloths are good for burping, swaddling, wiping stuff off – so bring 1 or 2 to the hospital.

4. Socks/Booties
Depending on the time of year, it can get pretty cold – socks or booties are a good option.

5. Hat
Again, depending on the weather – but I’d still like to keep baby warm.

6.  Going home outfit
You’ll want to change baby before heading home so that they’re nice and clean – I see a lot of onesies and cute matching outfits online, it’s hard to pick just one.

7. Baby car seat
This is a necessity. They won’t let you leave the hospital if you do not have one (even if you do not have a car – you’ll still need one for a taxi).

hospital bag essentials for mom and baby