With all burns, you must determine what degree of a burn it is in order to treat it properly. If your skin goes red and it’s only for a moment – it’s usually a first degree burn. If your skin blisters or cracks, then most likely you have a second degree burn. Anything worse than a small blister you should probably seek medical attention as soon as possible.
From your oven or a “dry” burn: Run cold water on the affected area for 5 minutes if it’s a first degree burn. If it’s a second degree, 10-15 minutes. Most burns occur on your hands and arms, but if it’s some place else that’s difficult to keep under the water – use a damp cold cloth.
From boiling water: Use the same method as above, 5-15 minute depending on the severity of the burn.
From oil: Using the same method as above, but for 10-15 minutes. When it’s cool, apply a clean damp cloth to the wound. Apply burn cream or a small amount of lotion (to keep the oil burn moisturized and preventing further tissue damage)
-Apply Ice directly on the burn because it may cause frost bite or further traumatize burnt tissue.
-Apply lotion of cream to dry burns or to third degree (Very severe) burns.
FOR SEVERE BURNS: Seek medical attention as soon as possible. DO NOT apply any lotions, oils or RUN COLD WATER on a large burn. Cover the area with sterile moist bandages or towels. Separate any burned fingers and cover them with sterilize gauze.
Tips for Boiling/Handling Oil/Oven Usage:
-Use an insulated oven mitt for handling hot items – kitchen rags will not suffice
-Remove any distractions (music, telephone, videos etc) and don’t try to do two things at once when handling hot items (like talking!)
-Use a longer cooking utensil for any boiling or oil usage
-Use a splatter guard when frying
-Don’t toss things into boiling water or oil – gently place them into the pot/pan to avoid splashes
-When heating oil, do not drop in frozen/ice covered items to deep fry when the oil is very hot
Distractions, slippery hands, dull knives are some common factors in accidentally cutting yourself. The third paragraph below is a bit graphic- so be warned!***
If you’ve cut yourself and it barely breaks skin, you’re very lucky. Wash off the knife and cut slower.
However if you’ve sliced yourself and you’re bleeding – its best to let it bleed out. DO NOT SQUEEZE blood out of your wound because that may damage your tissue and will slow down the rate of healing.
***If you’re bleeding profusely or have a deep cut or even worse (a finger?) – seek medical help RIGHT AWAY. Wrap the wound in a bandage to create a tight tourniquet (slowing down the flow of blood). If you did indeed lose a finger or worse, toss it into a bag of ice and bring it along with you to the hospital – it could still be saved.
Some Tips on Cutting Food:
-Some chefs bend their fingers over while chopping but I find this kinda strange because you could just as easily cut the middle of your finger, and the tips of your fingers are used for better dexterity and grip.
-Use a food processor if you can
-Cut with the sharpest part of the knife – normally the middle is the dullest part (being used to so much), try using the back of the knife for more solidarity and a sharper cut.
-When cutting use a board that has traction
I hope you found these tips helpful and please be careful when making your delicious food!!