Okay so you must be wondering why the EFF I keep using chicken in my recipes, but it just so happens that my husband’s dad gave us six or seven chicken breasts so I had to figure out what to do with em.
My husband is getting sick and I know that SICK = CONGEE MAKIN’ .
I’m not a great congee maker – my dad on the other hand makes the best. congee. ever. Imma have to put a million dollars on that claim. But like I said, thats another post.
What you’ll need:
1 cup of rice
olive oil/canola oil
10 cup of chicken broth or water
1 clove of garlic
1 teaspoon of ginger/several slices of ginger/ginger powder (use what you have)
chicken breast (cooked and chopped)
sesame oil
In a big pot, pour the rice in. Throw in the salt and oil and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then add the water or chicken broth (I like using chicken broth so its more tastier) and heat. When it comes to a boil, change the heat to medium/low for about 40-50 minutes. After, add some sesame oil (I say about no more than a table spoon) and the chicken.
Cook for another 20 minutes or until you get the consistency of congee you love.
Add a century egg or green onions if you’d like!
Good luck! <3