EAT! is Canada’s largest consumer food expo that takes place at BC Place Stadium. The 11th Annual EAT! Fest will be highlighting gluten-free products and seminars for the first time.

There will be a Food Network Celebrity Stage with lots of familiar names like Anna Olson (Bake with Anna Olson), Vancouver’s Iron Chef: America Winner and Chef, Rob Fennie, Chuck Hughes and many more.

From the International Culinary Stage to bite sized dishes from local restaurants, wine and beer tastings, a BC Chef’s Association art show and competition to name a few, there is just so much to take in during the three day festival.

Tickets are $14 online, $16 at the entrance, $14 for seniors,  $9 for 13-16 year olds and free for kids 12 and under!

For more information check out the EAT! Vancouver website, their Facebook page or Twitter.